Thursday, January 15, 2009

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Foxy girl Sketch

This is possibly the first doodle/quick sketch of 2009?

Been feeling inspired by my new doll/muse, Mirai Yukino chan!

It's nice find some time to sew a bit again :) When I was sewing for Mirai, I realised that I really missed it! Last year I had very little to no time to sew ^^;/

Tried to make Danny choo's Mirai's school uniform for my own Mirai Dollfie Dream! ^^/ Also tried to make a new test blouse today, just some minor tweaks to go, and gotta figure out a more accurate way to do the sleeves to be closer to the actual school uniform. It's fun in the challenging sense ^^!

Recently helped Danny with a chibi Mirai RSS gif image, :D Tanoshii kata (It was fun!)! ^O^ I also currently have her on my site ^^/ Kawaii? ^^;/ Big thanks to Mr. Choo for feature and hijack!

Click on image below to view a larger screen capture ^^/

Thanks for peeking! :D

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Mirai Yukino chan! Happy 2009!

This is a semi test post! Haven't been able to update my blog for a little bit due to some weird bug ^^;, mucked around a bit and I hope it's working nao (fingers crossed).  Like I mentioned before, I am very pleased to managed to get a special arrival before the new year, her name is Mirai Yukino! ^O^ She is a Dollfie Dream :)

For moar pix clickie here ^^/!

What was I doing on New Year eve? Preparing a feast food! :P I got some help here and there and hubs cleaned up most of it (with some help from me of course), so I really shouldn't complain, we also have some left over to help us tide over the ridiculous amount of snow we been getting...
(We're kinda trapped at home again! =_=;)

Party animals! lol Jessie (the Sheltie) belongs to my bro in law ^^ I take Uchi out to meet her sometimes (under supervision of course!)

Hope your 2009 is going great so far! :)

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Got Moo and some news!

Happy 2009! :D I think in some countries it's already 2009 so I'll post this Moo year image a little bit earlier ;)!

Click on image below to get the full view!

Thank you everyone for coming back and supporting this simple little site! I am very glad that is still around after so many years and I hope for many more years to come!

I also finally updated the previous 2 images into Gallery page plus an Ahmin Happy 2009 artwork!
Who is Ahmin? A little more information can be found on a past entry of mine here.

Ahmin is retiring from being published in the Chinese Daily paper Lianhe Zaobao in Singapore next year after 10 years of drawing her, she's still an eternal 18 years old, if you must know ;P
But she will still make an occasional appearance on my website, so those who take notice of her and like her, fret not :3!

Click on image below to get the full view!

Ahmin drawing above is sketched in pencil, inked with a pilot drawing pen and cleaned up and coloured in Sai, text and slight effects added quickly in Photoshop.

I also have an update on of a new arrival, I "blame" a particular *cough*person*cough* for tempting me :P But I must say I am trilled the package arrived sooner than expected! :D

Monday, December 29, 2008

Got Moo? Work in progress ^^

So earlier this morning I had an idea which I put on paper, and just continued to ink in Sai, etc.
I'll post the final art next year -- which is coming very soon! Time sure flies huh o_o;

Pencil sketchu scanned...

"Inked" in Sai, using Pen tool and Airbrush tool with customised settings...

Stay tuned for the final coloured art ^^!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmasu!

HooHooHoo! Probably a bit late for some, but let's extend Christmas for the week okay? LOL I present to U another little art done in Sai, background and text + glow effect in photoshop ^^!
What is Sai? See other images created with or partially with Sai.

Also want to take the opportunity to thank Mimi chan for the christmas sign and message to me, how sweet is that! And I is very flattered *^^*/
She has a larger version on her blog ^^/!

So plans for christmas? Not too exciting, gotta make a couple dishes for a potluck dinner tonite lol I hope the roads are clear enough for us to head out and not get trapped in snow or a large puddle of melted snow ^^;

I really enjoying seeing snow on trees :D

New snow is FUN Lookit our new snow couch!

We easily had at least a foot thick of snow yesterday ^^; I was up to knee deep in snow when I walked out to check mail ^^; Walking in snow sounds kinda squeaky :P I almost twisted my ankle a couple times cos the footing is not solid ^^;

Think Meowmeow is naughty or nice?

Merry Christmas everyone!!! :D

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

BBlue with Pie CGed

For some reason I made the background version in a smaller size so you peeps will have to make do with this one for now ^^; will try to upload a slightly larger version into gallery another time :P