Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Maid sketch in progress

Still quite busy, so drawing is slower than before, but did a sketch which I kinda like, hopefully I'll get to cleaning it up and coloring it soon :) Find the pose familiar? :P

I'm still undecided if I should ink the pencil sketch with pen and risk destroying the feel which I like, or try to clean up in photoshop -- which will probably take longer, like way longer to finish ^^;

Updated Links page ^^/


Anonymous said...

sometimes i hope i'm half as good as you are....orz
nonetheless, take your time to finish your artwork, will be waiting ^_^

Anonymous said...

thanks me and my pencil, practice practice ^^

Anonymous said...

look forward to the finish product. hopefully u can make a high res one as well. ^^;

Anonymous said...

gordon, I think sometimes I have a problem convincing myself to post overly high res stuff online -- some of my older stuff got stolen before (ie. printed out for sale without even bothering to remove my signature o_o; ) and they're not even really THAT great LOL but it should be larger than the sketch posted :3

Anonymous said...

Simply impressive.
Yeah, it is sad to see one's own artwork meeting such a fate. The possible trade-off would be that one fan of your art would want to look for more (Ah, the greed!) and trace it back to your blog.
Well, see you again, then!

Anonymous said...

d_blade thanks!
I mean I guess what annoys me is that I don't even really make money off the artwork I put online, I don't mind people DLing them for their own personal non profit use (errr *cough*) but selling my art or even better, claiming to me be just leave me speechless :P I only hope it doesn't happen too often now that I am trying to be more active ^^;

Anonymous said...

That's a risk, but it sure could drive one mad to the point he/she'd pull his/her hair out till he/she'd end bald... (Hope that never happened to anyone, by the way)

Anonymous said...

chun, i'm sorry to hear that your hard work got stolen for profits. >.<

i admit i saved some of your drawings (like the awesomely cute haruhi and dolphin *cough*) but i assure you it's for my own personal use (hmm... sounds wrong...)

don't hey don't let that dis encourage you ya? keep up the good work. cheers! ^^

Anonymous said...

d_blade haha I am trying to learn to strug it off when it happen (or when it get discvered :P) look on the bright side, I have friends who kindly look out for me overseas so that's nice to know :3

gordon, thanks :) I hope things can only improve, if not my art LOL