Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Bikini girl completed

Had been feeling under the weather, due to a flu bug possibly o_o; so art has been slow. Also need to catch up with work (eek)

Updated full version (full view with legs uncropped) in Gallery page ^^/

On a non art related note, mail loot made our evening last nite :3 Uchi posing with the loot ^^!


Anonymous said...

nice nice, right click -> Save Image As...

Your hamster is so cute, its name is Uchi?

Anonymous said...

Haha Uchi, did you pick that name because you were lazy to pick another?


Anonymous said...

Oops double post. Forgot, could you make this into a wallpaper with her on the left? 16:10 and 4:3 aspect ratio (make it 1440x900 and 1600x1200) would be appreciated, thanks!

Anonymous said...

so where is ebichu?

panther, do the wallpaper yourself since u are already good in photoshop. don't bother the lass.

Anonymous said...

@Isio hehe and yes his name is uchi :)

@Panther, Uchi actually had another meaning behind it other than meaning "house" LOL we got him around the time when we found a place to move into last year, and Uchi sounds cute ma~

@Gordon thanks, good idea for panther LOL
Ebichu here:

Anonymous said...

I am not good at all in Photochop. >_<

Besides I would have thought she would have a better idea for a wallpaper than I would. I suck at graphics. :(

Anonymous said...

Panther, maybe later this week okay? I gotta finish some work o_o;

Anonymous said...

panther liar!
the wing zero custom u did for me is awesome!

Anonymous said...

Chun: No hurry. Tell us when you get done. No one is asking you to rush. :)

Gordon: Like I said, I merely cropped the image and added parts of the wing easily. That was not much required Photochopping prowess. Now vectoring is going to be a PITA.