Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Pin up Mirai

I'm awfully busy this couple weeks (have a deadline before mother's day (ack!)), so thought to upload some older art ^^; Well this "other version" -- created in February, is somewhat a slightly different version of the other one I had uploaded a while back (where her expression is more confused?)

Click here or on the image below to get to the super huge version ;)

If you want to see her without the bikini (yes you didn't read me wrong) check out dannychoo.com ;P Okay, back to work ;_;


Anonymous said...

Yoko pai ^^;

Anonymous said...

here's my stamp of approval. *chop*

Anonymous said...

I like this bikini version too ^^ It is nice to see thing like this in the morning, thank you.

Anonymous said...

mizunaga yes LOL

gordon where you stamping? LOL

lsio I'm glad you like this version too! heehee

Anonymous said...

I prefer mah ladies without wear. But this one is good too.

Anonymous said...

panther, they gonna catch a cold :P LOL but glad U like this version too :)

Anonymous said...

chun, does it matters where i chop? ^^

anyway i posted this on danny's blog but in case u didn't see it.

for your next project how about drawing mirai with a stormtrooper? giving him a hug or a kiss. ^^;

Anonymous said...

gordon, HAha what if deflated?!?!?! Mirai = easy to draw, storm trooper.... may take a long time to finish LOLOLOL (sounds like I got discrimination ^O^;;;)