Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Ranka quick sketch

Watched Macross Frontier with hubs and decided okay gonna sketch Ranka Lee, I don't super like her but I thought her hair style is kinda unique in a funny way... anyone think they look like floppy ears?

Anyhows here is the super (duper) quick sketch, done in 10-15 minutes ^^;
Not sure if I am gonna colour her tho, but if I am to do that, definitely not this week, too busy :P

On a totally random note, Meowmeow got the corporate cuddling punishment for being naughty :P (tumblred)


Anonymous said...

Been some time sins I visited your blog. I have to say WOW. I realy love the fan arts. Horo and Lanka, 2 of the cutest characters looking super moe :3.

Anonymous said...

viramz thank you! which reminds me I should link up to you sometime o_o;

Anonymous said...

That's a super (duper) quick sketch?!

I'd probably take hours to sketch something like that! *shiku shiku*

BTW- I do think her hair sort of looks like ears ^^;

Anonymous said...

u must must must 100% colour it!

anyway if u watch episode 5, ranka's hair flip like ears when michel offer to buy her ice-cream. ^^;

Anonymous said...

mizunaga well it's quite rough, most of the mistakes are not really fully erased off :P

wonder if they hide floppy ears haha!

gordon, I really hope I have time ^^; it's always like lots of sketches but not enough time to colour ^O^; MUST be got floppy ears hiding under the hair :P haven't watched epi 5 yet ^^;

Anonymous said...

you should color it. her hair looks like doggy ears to me ^^;

Anonymous said...

lsio will have to wait till I'm less busy ;_;