Sunday, June 15, 2008

Another food related tumblr :P

^^; sorry so much food related posts ^^; Ever felt inspired when you see other people's photos? I was inspired by 2 friends' photos about Dutch Baby Pancake so I tried it out ^^

I hope next week will return to more normal art postings ^^; going out soon, so laters!


Anonymous said...

That looks yummy... Looked a little bit like it was going wrong in the oven though ^^;

Anonymous said...

mizunaga lol well it's supposed to rise and then deflate after we take it out from oven, I think my oven's temperature is a bit irregular so it resulted in the funny shape lol

Anonymous said...

Crush stories... Yeah-yeah, I know, don't rub it in, lol... ^_^;

Anonymous said...

xjaymax lol I also have my fair share of embarressing crush moments okay lol