Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Curious to know

1) What do you notice first when you see this sketch below?
2) Which girl U prefer? :P


Small update about puppy clock status: Hmmm I haven't figured out how to make it work on wordpress so may eventually just put something which will work on blogger (Like mine) later on ^^; Sorry for the wait ^^;
ok back to work ^^;


Anonymous said...

@Puppy-Chun: Haha, my feed reader displayed your sketch top to bottom, so I saw their faces first... but I think you're referring to their "eye" sizes, hehe. ^.^;

I prefer the shorter girl holding the ball, but u don't usually draw girls with big "eyes", do u? O.o;

Anonymous said...

I prefer the girl with the ball, somehow she appeals to me more.

Anonymous said...

xJaymanx nope that is too obvious :P Whatever I was thinking about is not very obvious in this picture lol!
If your idea of big refers to some of the News posts on DC.... I don't think I remember drawing the bottom pair bigger than their heads? ^^;

フェイダムさんThank you ^^

Anonymous said...

I noticed the long haired gal first but after careful *ahem* consideration I think I prefer the short hair babe (if I had to choose)

Anonymous said...

other than eyes' size i can really tell the different. lol. ^^

btw chun can u include name/URL option in comments so that i can comment using my wordpress address instead of blogger.

Anonymous said...

Neutrinos haha! Thanks for the feedback, I wonder if it was due to her actual pair of eyes (not the lower pair LOL -- non regulars of DC are gonna be so puzzled :P)

Gordon, LOL like I said the thing I was thinking about is quite subtle :P
Also I think I changed the setting ^^; and also I e-mailed U :P

Anonymous said...

The first thing I noticed was the hair actually, although the girl on the right has much better looking hair I prefer the girl on the left. *shrug*

Anonymous said...

Heya chun! I think this is my first comment on your blog. xD Anyway, the first thing I noticed was the detail in the hair... then the faces... then the *eyes*. :p

I don't think I can pick one, I really like them both actually. If I did have to pick one I think I would lean toward the girl on the right a little bit more, but I'm not quite sure.

Ah yeah, also, want to exchange blogroll links? :p

Anonymous said...

I noticed the bikini first. Am I awesome?

I still prefer the long-haired girl though.

Anonymous said...

I noticed the eyes and hair first, maybe cus there is more lines in the head.
I prefer the right gal because of her hair, I like long and semi-curly hair =)

Anonymous said...

@Puppy-Chun: Hmmm, if there's an optical illusion, I can't figure it out. But when drawing women, I place their belly buttons just slightly below waistline... So, looking at the way u drew the big-eyed girl's button, my best guess is that the petite-eyed girl's button is maybe~~ missing? That's the only "subtle" yet "curious". ^.^;

P.S. I still can't regain notifications from here... T_T;

Anonymous said...

Notice the face first before looking else where =x

and i prefer the short hair girl ^^

Anonymous said...

i'm in a dilemma. i like the eyes of the one on the right and the face of the one on the left. chun why must u torture us like this! lol.

btw thanks for the name/URL. it works. ^^;

Anonymous said...

You are all liars! We all noticed Boobs McChesty as soon as the sketch loaded. Boobies Forever!

Anonymous said...

wickedclown welcome to puppy52 lol added your blog to my links page last nite, couldn't comment cos this comment form seems abit buggy :P ^^

Felipe thanks for the input! :D

xJayx nope that's not it lol and sorry, I can't do anything about e-mail notifications now ^^;

gordon LOL and yes it does ^^ (Sorry U had a double post so I removed :P)

FatB fatboobies? LOL maybe eventually will have a 2nd hint but I gotta finish my work-work first(ARGH)

Anonymous said...

First, I noticed their eyes. And of course, I prefer Biig breasts. ^^ Nice sketch after all.

Anonymous said...

chun, thanks! Adding you right now.

Anonymous said...

@Puppy-Chun: Hmmm, my 2nd guess~ I also like how the petite girl's short hair blends into the other's long hair. In fact, if I stare a certain way, the left long strand could belong to the petite girl too, hehe. ^_~

P.S. No worries, I can manage, lol. ^.^;

Anonymous said...

I noticed the hair, although after reading the comments I realized it's about the eyes. ^^; I choose the one on the right, I'm a sucker for long hair. but if you switch the hair I'd choose her, like the left one's pouty lips. ^^

Anonymous said...

Kozta-Boom LOL thanks!

wickedclown thank you, by the way I think U need to add "http" before your URL ^^;

xJayx sorry nope not that LOL

marvin lol! I see I see thanks for your input!

Anonymous said...

Edward here... Chun I like both girls... ^^; The girl in the swimsuit is moe and I found I looked at her first and the ball in her hands.

Yes, I did notice the other girls eyes. ^o^

Anonymous said...

Hello Edward! LOL well that other girl's "eyes" are hard to miss :P (deliberate)