Friday, August 1, 2008

Shop sketches...

So yesterday I was working at the shop again, so I had some time to sketch a bit ^^

I'll feature my favourite of the three at the top :P  Dunno why I got this idea LOL the triangle mouth was drawn after I couldn't decide on the mouth ^^; the SD on the side could be better lol but the idea is there :P

Anyhows, yes another Ranka Lee fan art (LOL) I didn't have reference to the bottom part of her dress, so I improvised :P
I wonder if I am a closet Ranka Lee fan in denial? :P
I tried to draw Sheryl too but I made her look horrible, so I not showing :P

I walked to work cos I missed the bus (oops)
and walked passed this visual (well from memory) I suppose if I painted it or shaded a bit more it'd look less flat :P And yes I do draw (try to) other stuff other than girls ^^


Anonymous said...

I piggyback on my gf like that all the time. She'll be out of the hospital this Sunday.

Don't walk in the woods alone. There are pedobears and pantsu bandits.

Anonymous said...

FatB Sorry about the girlfriend, be careful next time okay? Pedo bears... Pantsu bandits..... you be victim before? O_O

Anonymous said...

Triangle mouth spotted!

Anonymous said...

love the new drawings ^^

Anonymous said...

@Puppy-Chun: Victim? LOL, no way, FatB was probably speaking *as* the pantsu-pedobear! Hence his warning ^.^; Ah, the green girl is nice, why add a skirt at all? ^.~

Anonymous said...

hahaha triangle mouth lol! I like the top one. ^^

Anonymous said...

danny hai dechu!

Persocom-san domo!

xjaymanx FatB is innocent he'll tell you that :P lol why add a skirt? you... you pedobear ^^;;;;;;

kozta-boom thankq! :D

Anonymous said...

yeah u drew ranka doing the \m/ sign! deculture! ^^;

Anonymous said...

gordon lol I was gonna put title: deculture LOL

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Panther got decultured? lol

Anonymous said...

Love your drawings chun. And I soooo did not know u drew scenery too lol, it looks real nice. Maybe one day you can give me art lessons.

My stick figures cry because they suck in comparison to other stick figures.

Anonymous said...

Yay Kira! \m/

Anonymous said...

bzou haha! well I try, I don't do it enough I think ^^;

Mizunaga Kira?! lol

Anonymous said...

@Puppy-Chun: LOL, and u believed him? Haha, she'd still keep her panties on~ what r u thinking??? ^.~

P.S. Btw, since your comment profile change, is there a way to regain the comments feed or email notification?

Anonymous said...

xjaymanx yup I believe fatB LOL

and oh hmmm I haven't figure that out yet sorry ^^; if it is updated again I'll probably post about it ^^

Anonymous said...

Edward here...
I think Ranka is winking at me. ^^