Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Yukata girl coloured

Okie took a little time after lunch to quickly colour Yukata girl ^^/ also updated her into Gallery page :3

How she might look as a coloured paper girl :P

ETA click image below to get a slightly larger version to print and make your own ^^/


Anonymous said...

great coloring job, she almost looks alive

Anonymous said...

that must be a lucky yukata cos i see lots of 4 petals flowers. flowers usually has 5 petals. ^^

Anonymous said...

Persocom-san thank you ^^!

gordon I had hydrangea in mind when I drew the little flowers ^^ if I did not remember wrong they mostly have 4 petals but they normally grow in a whole bunch, giving the impression of a ball of flowers ^O^

Anonymous said...

Wow, that was a good pick of mix of colors there Chun, nice.

Anonymous said...

Panther thanks ^^! I realised I forgot to add some steam coming from her teacup =_=

Anonymous said...

Awesome, you did an amazing job with the coloring. It looks very vibrant, the colors compliment each other well.

Anonymous said...

A Yutaka is always a win! She looks great!
Cant wait to print her out^^

Oh i see you changed your comment system?i can finally post under my real nick weee

Anonymous said...

BZou thank you :3 glad you like it ^^!

Blowfish Thanks! Well I figure since I won't be moving to wordpress just yet, I might as well try to change the comment system to look nicerer at least :P

Anonymous said...

Hmm, nice blog. Would you be interested in blogrolling eachother? ^_^

Anonymous said...

Cleartranquil Sure, I can only add your bloglink when I get home tho (Now at my friend's shop ^^)

Anonymous said...

She looks even cuter than before! I'm gonna get one printed! :D

Anonymous said...

Mizunaga thankq ^^/! Glad you like her :)

Anonymous said...

Looks awesome, chun! Your skills really do amaze me.

Anonymous said...

wickedclown thank you ^^!

Anonymous said...

She looks cute with color chun. I will print Yukata Girl to some card stock tomorrow.

My wife wants one so I will send her one. She said she will try to take a few pictures of Yukata Girl near her office in downtown Osaka.


Anonymous said...

Edward awww thank you! how sweet of you and wife :D

Anonymous said...

she is kawaii, *saved*

now, I need to find a printer.