Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Girl sitting - Xmas theme

So finally got around finishing colouring the sketch of Girl sitting, also realised I forgot to update the previous seasons greetings image ^^; They both now can be found in Gallery page.

Click image below to get a larger version :)

Okie time for bed ^^;/ a scheduled entry coming up later tho :P


Anonymous said...

hmm... big eyes... a christmas hat will complete the look. ^^;

Anonymous said...

Nice pretty look for Christmas. :)

Anonymous said...

Gordon I was going to do that but it'd cover her cowlick (the strand of hair on top XD)

Panther thanks! :D

Anonymous said...

SAi is such a cool programme, I love it ^__^
Great work on this colour, I love how the text and image work together.

Anonymous said...

Suki thanks! :D Hehe now I see the image is a bit lopsided LOL! (oops)

Anonymous said...

Lolols, I didn't notice it so it's A-Okay~ ^_~