Sunday, November 16, 2008

Short haired girl CGed

Was reminded that I haven't really CGed my own stuff for a while ^^;;;
Click image below for full view ^^/ Also updated full view image into Gallery page :)
This image, I liked the pencil art despite it being sketchy and after shrinking it I guess the lines looks kinda broken?

Okie gonna cook dinner ^^; Laters!


Anonymous said...

This is so pretty! ^^ The autumn-ish feel makes me want to go out and enjoy the fall season. (But right now that's impossible because of all the ash from California fires. I can barely breathe out here orz)

Anonymous said...

Coco the Bean so sorry to hear about the forest fires o_o; I recall the time when Singapore was affected by forest fires from neighbourhooding countries ^^; Please stay safe!

Anonymous said...

chun u mean the haze?

Anonymous said...

gordon yeah O_o; this year still have or not?