Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Work stuff ^^;

So these few months, I had been pulled to do some non "doll" related work for cartoondollemporium (CDE), I am quite happy with what I had done, so I asked for permission to showcase some here.

The artwork below are all created in flash and it was quite challenging and rather time consuming to make little details via vector. I prefer to use the mouse to work with when drawing in flash as it gives me the cleaner edges I prefer for my artwork.

My personal favorite has to be the kitchen ^^! There are a few items in there were inspired by our own kitchen :P

Living room 1: a close 2nd to the kitchen, but I probably wouldn't have this kinda pink for my walls lol

Living room 2: I like how the fire turned out ^^/

Okay it's supa late, so time for bed ^^; Thanks for peeking!


Anonymous said...

Wow.. you really relayed the scene very well! I like the kitchen as well ^__^
Working with a mouse is definitely better than tablet.. I think there's a certain level of accuracy that can be achieved that way.
Lolols, I thought I was the only one who thought that XD

Anonymous said...

Suki :D well for vectors (for this case flash), I feel that using the mouse is better, but for stuff which need paint brush pressure-sensitivity etc maybe tablet is better? But I have yet to try illustrator (the later version) so not sure how well it works with their brushes :)

Anonymous said...

Hm, I agree! It feels a bit .. empty to create vectors with a tablet.
Have you ever tried Corel Draw, CAD or Freehand? Those are pretty nice ^__^