Monday, December 22, 2008

A day in... snow cat

Today on my way out to get mail I saw a couple kids playing in the snow, like 1 foot deep kinda snow ^^; After I started walking back home I couldn't resist the temptation anymore..... and the result is....


One more:

The "daifukus" from the other time became like this ^^;

Donut anyone?


Anonymous said...

@Puppy-Chun: So you *started* walking back home... wait~ this yuki-neko is in front of someone else's house? >o<;

Anonymous said...

Yukineko is cute! <3

Anonymous said...

xJayx haha I'll leave it to your wild imagination :P

Panther thankq ^^!

Anonymous said...

omg you are so cool! and a great snow sculpter xD

Anonymous said...

very nice. and all u need to do is to add some sweet syrup, red bean etc and it's ice kacang. yum yum. ^^

and lol. my captcha for this comment is agicat.

Anonymous said...

Wow, not only are you a good artist but you are also a great snow sculptor.. The neko looks nice indeed.. ^^

Speaking of which, I am hungry for a donut.. Thanks for reminding me.. xD

Anonymous said...

Wow... That is a really big snow cat.

Anonymous said...

borderbasher lol it's due to good quality snow lol!

gordon hahahaha it's so cold so I don't think of cold desserts XD neko icesu kachang? ^^;

Fariz Asuka ah thank you ^^; it was really done for fun lol

phossil it's still shorter than me cos I did it by myself this time XD

Anonymous said...

Awesome Snowcat is awesome!
I wish we had snow around here to play aroud with it.I love snow!

Anonymous said...

This recent dump of snow has stranded me in my White Rock home. Nothing is plowed. I still had to drive to and from Ladner at snail speed. At least I have an excuse to sit inside and watch anime and play games.

Anonymous said...

Blowfish Awesome! lol I would mail some over but our postal services is actually getting delayed due to the snow ^^;

ClearTranquil ^^; oh boy! but the sit at home and watch anime/play games is nice :P