Sunday, December 14, 2008

Evening in Vancouver

Hope you peeps don't mind photo dumps (as Mimi likes to call it) lol! I know someone mentioned that it's slow loading, I apologise for that :P Hopefully will be able to fix it in future ^^;

There are just times when I feel that my sketches are kinda blah due to drawing when I feel tired, so I rather not post those. This time I'll share some photos of my hubs' company party which we attended last nite :) As the party went on, it started snowing O_O!

I have some food pix, no chance to edit them yet ^^; so I will share some random pix from during the dinner ^^: found this little red star in the small table top tree ^^; so I put it near the top :P

Food pix later lol hubs sitting across me :)

Snow looking like icing on bushes!

intruder!!! oh it's just me ^^; Asked hubs to help me take a few pix to show my parents back in SG :)

ok gotta head out, more laters!


Anonymous said...

@Puppy-Chun: Ah, snow... I think Vegas has only had snow *one day* in the last *three years*! I'd almost forgotten what it looks like. Which isn't a bad thing, lol.

P.S. Hmm, nifty new popup comment-box style. ^_^

Anonymous said...

xJayx ah, well vegas is somewhat dessert like no? ^^; (Unless I remember wrong lol never been there before ^^; ) And it's one of blogger's default comment settings ^^ seems to work way better than embedded format so I keepin it for now :)

Anonymous said...

Isn't that the ghost from "the ring"? Spooky

Anonymous said...

@P-Chun: True, sometimes a oven-baked "dessert" and other times a sun-dried "desert", lol.

Anonymous said...

Wow everyone had their Xmas party on Dec 13th... mine, my brother's and my parents' and your hubs too. Though I didn't go to mine :P I was driving in that snow though... first time driving in the snow and 3rd time I'm driving alone ^^;

Anonymous said...

make sure u send some of those snow to me. ya i know it will melt so send it to me quickly. ^^;

Anonymous said...

FatB the ghost gonna look for U....

xJayx LOL sorry about the "S"es :P was definitely half asleep ^^;

LightningSabre driving is dangerous in the snow/ice ^^;;;;

gordon lol snowball? snowman?

Anonymous said...

@P-Chun: I guess I spoke too soon. As I look out my 3rd-floor office window overlooking the parking lot, it's lightly snowing in Vegas, haha. Not sticking though. ^o^

Anonymous said...

xJayx awww well not sticking may not be a bad thing ^^;!

Anonymous said...

The more snow pics I see, the more I want to climb inside my monitor to touch it XD
It's Summer here and even if it were Winter, not much chance for snow ^^;

Great pictures, once again!

Anonymous said...

suki LOL! got a freezer? ^^; open and stick hand/face in ^^;;;;;;; it's minus somethin something degrees these days x_x! and thankq :D